Thursday, October 16, 2014

2 Days, 7 Beers

We're lining up seven beers to share in the following two weeks. Starting this Saturday, we're helping celebrate with Graze Magazine once again for their semi-annual printed release. Again, Graze is a 2-color literary magazine that points it's focus toward food. For every release, they host a party filled with live performances, food, drinks and raffle prizes. We're thrilled to be a part of it, and for the occasion, we selected three sour beers that should each pair nicely with a range of foods:

Golden Age
A Farmhouse ale fermented with a mysterious culture that includes Brettanomyces.

Beat the Reaper
A wheat ale fermented entirely with Brettanomyces Anomala.

Mork from Ork
A blended beer containing a lengthy lineup of malt including wheat, rye and spelt. Some of this beer was fermented with Brettanomyces Nanus and aged in an oak barrel for 6 months. The other half was brewed with pumpkin and fermented with a mix of wild yeast and Wyeast 3725.

Then comes a fest focused entirely on beer the following Saturday, October 25. Boo Ha Ha is another Won Kim production which is sometimes enough for some folks to want to attend. In other words, they're known for a good time, and we can attest. We'll be joined by many others sharing their beers, and we're excited for what we have in store.

In July we began barrel-fermenting our Ghost yeast, and it's been on a terror ever since. We'll be wrangling up three different Ghosts with frightening fruit profiles (in a good way, sorry, couldn't resist) for Boo Ha Ha. And if sour beers aren't your thing, we'll also have a Brett IPA on tap.

Follow the links below for tickets.
Graze Magazine Release Party (tickets also available at the door)
BOO HA HA (Buy your ticket in advance. This event sells out.)


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